Working at home if we can, social lives curtailed, and to make matters worse, the sun has disappeared! But we believe restrictions to our normal lives can be turned to a huge advantage. It’s a real opportunity to progress your career and come out the other end as a more polished insurance professional.
We are talking about online learning
Online learning for professional development has been on the increase over the last ten years. And really, it’s no wonder. Such learning breaks down geographic barriers, allowing us to pursue self-improvement without worrying about whether there is a nearby venue to do so. Now, with a world of information at our fingertips 24/7 through the internet, we can study at a time and speed to suit ourselves.
So, we can see that as the trend towards a more flexible approach to working and development has emerged, people have enjoyed the benefits of learning at a time, place and pace that fits in with their lifestyle.
Of course, this year has been extraordinary, and the pandemic has driven even more people to seek out opportunities to progress their careers. Restricted by lockdowns and with more time to spend on themselves, turning to online learning has been the answer for many.
We’ve been working on ways to support you with your Chartered Insurance Institute revision study
The result is our recently launched online school – a series of self-paced courses that cover various modules of your CII revision. You can study on any device, whether desk-based or mobile, and learn from our professional tutors.
The modules use a plethora of tools to keep you motivated, including slides, animations, printable mind maps, interactive checklists, practice questions, and a host of other resources.
We do understand that when you’re at home, the call of Netflix is strong, so here are a few tips to get the most from our training:
Treat it like a physical course – this demands a bit of self-discipline to actually ‘turn up’. Of course, you can be flexible in your learning, but developing a routine for studying really helps you to complete the work.
Set yourself goals – make yourself accountable by, for example, setting a deadline to complete a module, and you are much more likely to achieve it. Telling your partner or a friend what you are doing may also help, as may promising yourself a treat once you have completed the goal.
Create a study space – not all of us have the luxury of a home office but if you can designate a space for working – whether at home or in a local café – you’re more likely to get stuck in. Ensuring you have the right tools is important, too – headphones, good internet access, and so on.
Eliminate distractions – social media, housework, cooking, errands – all these things are distractions that stop us being productive and opportunities to procrastinate. So find ways to remove them, such as turning off notifications, clearing household task before you start or moving to a library or coffee shop to work (when these venues are available again).
Personal growth is at the heart of many psychological theories about long-term happiness. Now, more than ever, we need to create purpose and structure in our lives. Completing our course is likely to lead to a real sense of achievement, and will boost your insurance career opportunities for years to come. We look forward to you joining us.