Cover to Cover with Elisse and Hannah

Elisse discusses ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ by Susan Jeffers


My first cover to cover series is over and what a great book to start with! The series was amazing for a number of reasons: a great opportunity to connect with our followers, allowed me to gain much more confidence and helped me discover a love for reading which is something I never thought I would say!

Growing up, reading was something I never enjoyed, and looking back now maybe that was because I never gave it enough chance, and I get the feeling a lot of my generation can relate to this. So much of our culture revolves around social media, video games and mobile phones people don’t take the time to read books anymore. However, after reading ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’, I’m not exaggerating when I say it has changed my outlook on life. I cannot wait to continue reading and teach myself ways to better myself.

As someone who has stepped into their first full time job, this book has encouraged me in many ways. Susan Jeffers explores what we fear, why we feel it and what to do differently. Everyone experiences fear in their life whether it is through losing your job, relationships, health or being laughed at by a group of people. Jeffers provides a map to help us feel our fears while implementing steps to move forward. She believes we can develop a resilience muscle to face our fears through developing a stronger mind set.

Susan Jeffers has many amazing quotes throughout her book but there is one that everyone can relate to:

“If everyone feels fear when approaching something totally new in life, yet so many are out there doing it despite the fear, then we must conclude that fear is not the problem.”

Jeffers believes fear is not a psychological problem but an educational one. Fear surfaces whenever we take a risk or try something new and many of us treat fear as an obstacle that stops us from achieving. However, in order to overcome your fear, you must understand it and Jeffers discusses this more in the book by breaking fear down into 3 levels followed by 5 truths about it.

A great thing about this book is everybody can read it; everybody can relate to it, and everyone can learn from it no matter what stage you are in with your life. I would recommend it to everybody because after reading this your entire outlook changes and you handle situations differently; it motivates you to be better and take those risks and learn about yourself as an individual.

Personally, after reading ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ I have learnt to manage my frame of mind and reinforce more positive thinking as I used to have quite a negative mentality and that would massively set me back, but I have realised, walking into something with a positive view, automatically takes away the feeling of fear and allows me to enjoy what I am doing. It has helped build the courage to take certain actions moving forward, that I don’t think I would have taken otherwise, and face my fears head on. ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ is one of those rare books which instantly speak to you on a subconscious level, just reading it makes you stronger.

Life is too short to live in fear, resentment and negative assumptions.

Going forward, I am excited to film more cover to cover episodes with my colleague Hannah, and read more self-help books as I find them really helpful.

You can follow Elisse & Hannah’s ‘Cover to Cover’ on our Instagram page