Month: November 2020

Explore your route to ACII

Our CII Calculator tool can help you to plan out your route to ACII by calculating required credits and compulsory modules. Completing your ACII can feel like a long way…

The Front of The Journal!

Our founder, Sam Ridgewell, had been keeping the secret for weeks, waiting to catch everyone’s reactions. Now, she can finally share her excitement with the world! In case you haven’t…

Apprenticeship Blog Continuned – Elisse

Elisse continues her apprenticeship journey.   Attending my first networking event… solo! It’s safe to say I am not the most confident person when it comes to speaking to new…

Cover to Cover with Elisse and Hannah

Elisse discusses ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ by Susan Jeffers   My first cover to cover series is over and what a great book to start with! The…

Apprenticeship Blog – Elisse

Understanding apprenticeships   Follow my apprenticeship journey My name is Elisse Considine, I am 18 years old and have recently started my first ‘proper’ job at Empower Development. I always…